GET FOIL LUCARIO, BISHARP & ZOROARK – This random deal offers you the chance to level up your team with these 3 incredible Pokemon that create an unstoppable Trio of combined Dark, Fighting & Steel types! OR....
GET FOIL TYRANITAR, SHIFTRY & VIVILLON – You have a 50/50 chance of receiving a this equally dynamic trio that combines the Dark, Grass, Rock, and Flying/Bug types together into an all-out onslaught!
BUILD UP YOUR POKEDEX – You have the chance to add up to 6 devastatingly strong Pokemon to your Pokedex: #248 Tyranitar, #275 Shiftry, #448 Lucario, #571 Zoroark, #625 Bisharp and #666 Vivillon!
KNOCK OUT COLLECTION – Also includes 2 Pokemon TCG Booster Packs and 1 gleaming Pokemon coin.
GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL! Round out your collection and become the ultimate Pokemon Master with this and other Premium Collections, Elite Trainer Boxes and Trading Card sets.