Captivated, by You

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630,00 TL
Hayashi’s frank, guileless demeanor quietly draws the attention of classmates and strangers as he counts all the stairs in school, photographs street signs, and dries sweet potatoes on the classroom balcony. In a world shaped by conformity, Hayashi is refreshingly and unapologetically true to himself. Conversely, Nikaidou has worked very hard to perfect a gloomy, dour façade that keeps his classmates far, far away. While much of the school regards Nikaidou as a bad omen, one student catches a glimpse behind the mask and—undeterred by rumors of bad luck and supernatural powers—begins to pick away Nikaidou’s carefully crafted persona…

  • Editorial ‏ : ‎ Yen Press (27 Julio 2021)
  • Idioma ‏ : ‎ Inglés
  • Tapa dura ‏ : ‎ 170 páginas
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Captivated, by You 9781975323981
Captivated, by You

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